For organisations, by taking advantage of BING’s lower competition and ChatGPT’s natural language capabilities, there is the potential to drive more traffic and improve the customer search experience.
Maximising NFP Websites
Michael Levine has authored a book titled “Broken Windows, Broken Business” in which he applies the broken window theory to businesses.
- Published in Data, Design, Google, marketing, Not-For-Profit
Organic Marketing
With the increasing number of digital platforms and technologies; the need to be seen in a crowded social media space, paid advertising seemed the solution for many businesses.
Not-for-profits, Funding and Search
Funding in the non-profit sector has always been challenging; however, that challenge has increased over the past few years. Many factors have increased the challenge.
- Published in Google, marketing, Not-For-Profit, SEO
Realising a Blogging ROI
Who has the time to blog? A recent article from the Marketing Insider Group quoted four hours as the average time it takes a person to write a blog.
Free Google advertising for NFP’s
One of the biggest marketing challenges for not-for-profit organisations is being able to drive relevant traffic through their websites for services provided. Fortunately, Google offers free search advertising for non-profits which provides an excellent opportunity to be competitive in Google for a very low cost compared to private organisations.
- Published in Google, Not-For-Profit