The Dupe Ecosystem
Dupes and their impact on brands were recently highlighted when the Influencer Matilda Djerf issued copyright infringement warnings against small online content creators promoting similar clothing items to Djerf products.
2024 NGO Trends
As managing non-profit organisations becomes increasingly complex and challenging, it is necessary to step back and reflect on trends likely to impact organisations in the coming year.
What is Substack, and why is it important for businesses to consider Substack as part of their communication strategy?
2024 Social Media Trends
The rise of ChatGPT, Twitter rebranded to X, the launch of Threads, the diminishing hype about the metaverse, and TikTok’s increasing influence. What will be the changes that will influence social media in 2024?
Social Media and the Holidays
With the arrival of the holiday season, the general sense of inertia that comes at the end of a year and more time to relax, it’s easy to get caught in the hypnotic effect of scrolling through our social media channels.
SROI Framework
SROI, at its core, measures whether the social value created by a program or service run by an NGO outweighs its cost.
Legacy Media
Is the legacy of legacy media destined to be quaint artifacts housed in museums, evidence of how news was once distributed and consumed?
For-Profit, NFP Collaboration
The growing magnitude and complexity of socioeconomic problems facing societies worldwide mean there is an urgent need for not-for-profit and for-profit organisations to work together effectively to create sustainable communities.
Digital Detoxing
Do you find you are spending more and more time on your phone, scrolling through your social media feeds?
Will the new Instagram Threads age well and continue to grow in popularity and usefulness, or will it go the way of many social media platforms and programs that have a use-by date and sink quietly into oblivion?