Is Digital Marketing Hindering or Galvanising Your NGO?
While large not-for-profit organisations recognise the importance of having a clear digital marketing strategy that is implemented and reviewed regularly, many small to medium-sized not-for-profit organisations still struggle to develop such a strategy.
AI and Human Emotion
Given the rapid growth and development occurring in AI, there is a disconnect between those working in the industry who can see the advantages and benefits and the wider community’s perception.
I Share, Therefore I Am
Sharing photos or information about ourselves on social media is now standard practice; the minority who don’t share are often considered unusual.
Rebrand Considerations
Rebranding allows an organisation to “jazz things up,” replace the tired logos and fading brand colours, create a catchier position statement, and show that things are going well.
Social Media & The Unconscious
The unconscious mind is the reservoir of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that we considered to be unacceptable or unpleasant and so pushed out of our conscious mind.
APAC Social Trends
Trends within social media develop fast. This makes it essential for brands and businesses to stay updated with these trends and how their customers use, modify, and adapt to new social media developments and platforms.
The loss of third-party cookies is not a distant possibility; it’s an imminent reality that will reshape how businesses advertise by the end of 2024.
Content Marketing ROIs
For many SMEs and non-profit organisations, the untapped potential of their websites is a missed opportunity that negatively impacts the organisation’s or business’s profitability.
Outrage Fatigue
Public outrage has become much easier in the 21st century. We can express our outrage in the comfort of our homes by pressing ‘send’ while sipping our soy latte or chardonnay.
Avoiding Cross-Cultural Blunders
While the public may laugh off some cultural blunders and use them as memes that themselves become part of the cultural landscape, for many brands, cultural blunders can have profound and devastating consequences.