Ad Networks
Propellor Ads, MGID, Adcash, Richads TwinRed, Traffic Stars are some of the ad networks for affiliate marketing.
- Published in marketing
Not-for-profits, Funding and Search
Funding in the non-profit sector has always been challenging; however, that challenge has increased over the past few years. Many factors have increased the challenge.
- Published in Google, marketing, Not-For-Profit, SEO
Realising a Blogging ROI
Who has the time to blog? A recent article from the Marketing Insider Group quoted four hours as the average time it takes a person to write a blog.
Emotional Intelligence and Trust
Trust is built over time through repeated interactions with each other. This is particularly true in the workplace.
- Published in Psychology, Wellbeing, Workplace
Not-For-Profit SEO and SEM
Many non-profit organisations take an S & P approach to their online presence. S & P refers to a strategy based on spray and pray principles.
- Published in Not-For-Profit, SEO
Customers, Critic or Coach?
Adam Ferrier has written a book with the catchy title of “Stop Listening to the Customer”. The title itself is worth purchasing the book to remind ourselves that the mantra, “the customer is always right,” is often…
- Published in Psychology, Wellbeing
How prepared are you for hyper-competition? Are you even aware it is a thing? A Forbes article listed changing business trends and hyper-competition as the first in a list of ten challenges business…
- Published in marketing
Business productivity is not often associated with laughter and humour. Humour occurs in the staff room, after hours or on weekends, rather than during work hours.
The Shift From Funnels to Flywheels
As leaders, it is often challenging to set aside time to reflect on what we can do to ensure we stay ahead of changing patterns and trends in B2B or B2C businesses. We know we should spend time reflecting…
- Published in marketing