Customer Life-Time Value
We give lip service to the importance of customers and clients. For businesses impacted negatively by COVID, whether we are B2B or B2C, maintaining, and indeed growing a solid base of loyal clients will be the difference between success and failure, there it is crucial to know the value of our most important asset.
The Chronic Complaining Colleague
We all have off days. Days where the sky seems metallic grey rather than vibrant blue and smiles have an edge of irritation. Sometimes, it can be healthy to complain; to vent as it allows us to bring things out into the open where there is a greater chance of them being dealt with constructively, rather than being suppressed and pushed away.
Centrality of Clients
In an environment still coming to terms with the impact of COVID, businesses in both B2B and B2C areas are asking themselves, if they can rely on the loyalty of customers they had prior to January 2020?
- Published in marketing
Rule of 7
The rule of 7 states, it takes 7 interactions with your brand before a person will engage with it and become a client or customer.
- Published in marketing, Psychology
Daring to be different
Fear creates uncertainty. Uncertainty creates a sense of dis-equilibrium within us that we try to correct, so we can feel balanced and in equilibrium again.
- Published in marketing, Psychology
Clickbait and the damage done
Clickbait is the tactic of teasing users with intriguing ads or posts of your content to entice them to click-through and read.
- Published in marketing, Psychology
Adapting to Change
One of the quotes ascribed to Charles Darwin is, “it isn’t the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change”.
- Published in Workplace
Building an online presence for Not-For-Profits
For the majority of not-for-profit (NFP) organisations, one of the consequences of COVID was the impact on service delivery.
- Published in Not-For-Profit
Communication in an age of misinformation
We need to check our biases and assumptions and know our market, so our messaging has the best chance of cutting through.
- Published in Psychology, Workplace
Changing the culture, changing the story
Cultures within organisations are often maintained by the accepted practices within the workplace as well as the dominant story of the organisation.
- Published in Not-For-Profit, Workplace