Gemini & Ads
Google is hopeful that with the power and versatility of its AI, it will regain lost ground in the rapidly developing field of AI.
TikTok Shuffle
Many governments have introduced restrictions prohibiting TikTok from being used by or on the phone of government officials and bureaucrats.
Digital Tribalism
Over the last decade, the social media landscape has changed in quite but dramatic ways that many brands have not kept pace with.
Content Overwhelm
Most of us struggle with feeling overwhelmed with the amount of content available to us and which we have streaming through our social media platforms, never mind that theoretically, we should be able to process 11 trillion bits.
Gemini & Bias
While Gemini has been criticised for racism against white people, other AI image generators have faced the opposite criticism.
Return on Social Impact Investment (SII)
NGO’s and social enterprises demonstrate their value by articulating and demonstrating their return on social investment.
The anti-consumption trend is, in turn, being driven not just by fatigue but also by rising living expenses.
The Dupe Ecosystem
Dupes and their impact on brands were recently highlighted when the Influencer Matilda Djerf issued copyright infringement warnings against small online content creators promoting similar clothing items to Djerf products.
2024 NGO Trends
As managing non-profit organisations becomes increasingly complex and challenging, it is necessary to step back and reflect on trends likely to impact organisations in the coming year.