Brand Challenges in 2023
Customers have a high expectation of personalisation when it comes to marketing. The challenge is that they must provide personal data to receive the personalised marketing they expect.
Chimney Sweeps & Content Writers
As tempting as it may be to think an A.I. writing program is a more cost and time-effective choice than engaging a content writer, we need to consider several factors.
Maximising NFP Websites
Michael Levine has authored a book titled “Broken Windows, Broken Business” in which he applies the broken window theory to businesses.
- Published in Data, Design, Google, marketing, Not-For-Profit
Neuroscience of Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and the other social platforms provide an opportunity to market our brand and raise the profile of our products. Yet, in our haste to capitalise on this opportunity, we often fail to ask an important question. Is our marketing on social media really achieving the results we want or is it raising aversion to our brand?
- Published in Data, marketing, Psychology
Outsourcing Our Thinking
While outsourcing our thinking to AI on the more minor details of our lives is useful and time efficient, the risk is we develop a subtle reliance on AI that may become problematic when we need to make more complex and nuanced decisions or judgements.
- Published in Data, ethics, Psychology
Preparing for Metaverse
The last major technology shift was from desktop to mobile, the next evolution will be from mobile to metaverse.
App Tracking Transparency & Search
Apple has impacted the advertising business with the introduction of App Tracking Transparency (ATT).
The Ethics of your Marketing Strategy
Value Creation via NFTs
In April 2021, we wrote about the increasing awareness of NFT technology after Mike Winkelmann sold an NFT for artwork at an eye-watering $69 million. Since then, the use of NFTs has been expanding from the art world into areas unforeseen seven months ago.
The Creeping of AI
The world of AI is here and impacting our lives and influencing decisions in ways we do not consider. The only attention we give to AI is when there is an exciting breakthrough that makes the news or we see a film with scenarios of an AI apocalypse, yet AI impacts us every day, from what we see on social media, to what ads pop up as we scroll through Instagram, to the speeding fine we receive. It is all determined by AI.