Value Creation via NFTs
In April 2021, we wrote about the increasing awareness of NFT technology after Mike Winkelmann sold an NFT for artwork at an eye-watering $69 million. Since then, the use of NFTs has been expanding from the art world into areas unforeseen seven months ago.
The Creeping of AI
The world of AI is here and impacting our lives and influencing decisions in ways we do not consider. The only attention we give to AI is when there is an exciting breakthrough that makes the news or we see a film with scenarios of an AI apocalypse, yet AI impacts us every day, from what we see on social media, to what ads pop up as we scroll through Instagram, to the speeding fine we receive. It is all determined by AI.
Maintaining your Desirability to your Clients
In a recent article we raised the importance of your brand’s point of difference. This is important because your difference makes your brand unique and provides you with a competitive advantage over other brands in the same sector.
- Published in marketing
Game Theory
Businesses use to have one objective, to make a profit. It was comparatively simple; make a profit, keep shareholders happy, and issues about climate, carbon footprint and social responsibility were ignored, or at least of lesser importance than profitability.
- Published in ethics, marketing, Psychology, Workplace
Facebook’s Corporate Citizenship
The business pages of the West Australian on Wednesday, 27 October, reported Zuckerberg was riled as a consequence of the bad press received by Facebook due to the documents provided by Frances Haugen to US Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Content Fatigue
It starts with that dry, gritty feeling in our eyes. Blinking does not solve it. In a hypnotic state, our eyes stare at the screen; our minds have the consistency of a wet sponge. Content fatigue!
- Published in marketing, Psychology, Wellbeing
Time – Structure or Simplify
For all the time saving devices we have, time always seems to remain in short supply. A fault perhaps of our perceptions and expectations, rather than anything to do with time itself.
- Published in Psychology, Wellbeing, Workplace
Gen Z Marketing
Gen Z is the generation who have never been off-line. The younger siblings of millennials, they are young people born after 1997.
How much space do we occupy?
Have you ever thought how much space your business occupies in the minds of clients or customers?
Why is this a crucial question?
- Published in marketing, Psychology