Not-for-profit labels vs community benefit
We Labels have power. Marketers and medical practitioners know this fact. For marketers, a name can conjure up a brand and all that is associated with it, for example, sporting prowess or luxury.
- Published in ethics, Not-For-Profit
The Power of your story
We are all tellers of stories. Stories are how we connect with each other. Friendship is built around repeated shared stories because they build and bond the friendship.
- Published in marketing, Not-For-Profit
The Ethics of Nudging
Previously, we have emphasised the importance of organisations having a policy on the ethics that guide their marketing. What are the ethical guidelines around nudging, particularly if it is for a client’s benefit?
- Published in ethics, marketing, Psychology
Wokeness & your Brand
In January this year, Mars, the makers of M & M, announced they were redesigning their M & M’s for a more progressive and inclusive world.
- Published in ethics
Preparing for Metaverse
The last major technology shift was from desktop to mobile, the next evolution will be from mobile to metaverse.
App Tracking Transparency & Search
Apple has impacted the advertising business with the introduction of App Tracking Transparency (ATT).
The Ethics of your Marketing Strategy
Creating Client Memories in 2022
Now is the time for businesses and brands to think and plan the memories we want to create for clients in 2022. Yes, 2021 has just finished and it is tempting to look back with nostalgia on the memories we have of the year that has gone. However, we need to be planning for the memories we want to create in 2022.
- Published in Psychology