"We have been living in a fast-paced, demanding and expectant world, and slowing down can be a rare experience."


We have been living in a fast-paced, demanding and expectant world, and slowing down can be a rare experience. Some of you may be embracing the opportunity to learn to make do with less, or cherishing your re/connections with loved ones, or perhaps getting your hands dirty and connecting with your gardens and favourite recipes. However, there are some of you who may be feeling quite vulnerable during this time of change and uncertainty, and who may have never experienced a sense of loneliness, separation nor isolation before. This may feel really uncomfortable and perhaps scary for some.

Creating a Safe & Nourishing Home

In these times it is important for you to create a safe and nourishing space where you feel supported and grounded – this may look like: 

  • Making yourself a nourishing meal
  • Having your morning coffee or tea under a tree in your yard
  • Finally cosying up on the couch and reading that book you have always wanted, re-connecting with your meditation/yoga practice 
  • Taking a luxurious scented bath 
  • Setting boundaries around when you engage in listening to the global news
  • Having your favourite essential oil burning whilst you work
  • Lighting a candle for the world

Your home is your haven – let’s not blur the lines

Some people feel that their boundaries have been violated by bringing their work into their haven. It’s important that you dedicate only part of your home to work - this could be a spare bedroom, the corner of your living room or your balcony. This separation of workspace and private environment will support your work-life balance and your sense of wellbeing by ensuring that these lines are not blurred.


Setting yourself a daily routine may be helpful in these unpredictable times  – carving out time for work, moving your body, connecting with nature, mapping out pleasure time and connecting with your favourite humans. This may be an opportunity where you may use your imagination, resourcefulness and creativity to meet your needs and perhaps start something new.


I invite you to pause and connect with yourself and your body throughout your day – perhaps when you wake, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and bedtime – and notice what is happening in your internal landscape, noticing any tension in your body, temperature, any physical sensations and perhaps observing the flow of your breath; then take 5 deep, slow, revitalising breaths and notice your state of being. Giving time to connect with yourself and noticing your physical sensations can be helpful in soothing your nervous system by reducing anxiety and increasing your ability to regulate your emotions.

We are in living history where there is incredible potential to change how we live as a community, how we treat our earth, and how we love ourselves and others. 

By Coby Greer, Founder of World of Humans